The hay-wheel festival of the municipality of Tobaj and its associations had its premiere.
GERMAN TSCHANTSCHENDORF. What the Ausseerland has with its daffodil festival is the Tobaj community’s hay wheel festival. Only instead of daffodils, the decorated floats that paraded through the main street were adorned with woven hay.
Mill, fisherman, football
Ten clubs from all over the community are taking part in the premiere of the festival and are showing a lot of creativity in the design of their floats. Beautification Association and the Tudersdorf Fire Department made a several meter high windmill out of hay, the Sports club of the municipality of Tobaj wove an oversized football and a similarly stubbled shoe, the Fisherman from Deutsch Tschantschendorf created a friend out of hay and a hay fish.
United theories with
The Punitz Riding Clubdie Primary School German Tschantschendorfthe Punitz youth football clubthe Community Senior Citizens Associationdie Sports Youth Punitzthe Buschenschank Kopeszki and the Community themselves decorated a vehicle. The chugging noise came from the Vintage car friends Rauchwartwho arrived in convoy with their old tractors.
On the “Boulevard” of Deutsch Tschantschendorf
High on the first car sat Mayor Helmut Kopeszkiwho had the idea for the festival and thanked everyone for their hard work. The event was commented on by the former ORF presenter Karl KanitschThe main street, lined with hundreds of spectators, was quickly named the “Boulevard”.
On the subject:
Heugrabler Festival in and around the hay
City festival in Jennersdorf was well attended
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