Whatsapp for Mac
Messenger: Everyone should know Whatsapp by now. As the most used messenger app in German-speaking countries, this app has become indispensable on every new smartphone. But the app’s potential isn’t just on mobile devices – you can also use Whatsapp on your Mac to stay connected with your important contacts. As usual, the app is super clear and you can quickly find all the functions that you can find on your iPhone. Even dark mode is available here. However, there are still some restrictions if you want to use Whatsapp on your Mac. For data protection reasons, for example, you cannot open images or videos that have been sent to you for one-time viewing. One positive thing to mention, however, is that the end-to-end encryption also works on the Mac, and your iPhone doesn’t have to be connected to the Internet all the time.
WhatsApp Inc.
Link list: Windows users know and appreciate it: the easy switching between windows with Alt and Tab. Unfortunately, MacOS does not offer this function, and especially as a Mac newbie, you may find yourself trying to switch between windows or apps as usual. Although Apple provides its own solutions such as the Stage Manager, some users still miss this exact function of Windows. This is where Alttab comes in. They add exactly this function. However, you have to download it from the website, as it is not available in the App Store. After installation, the app remains in the menu bar, from where you can also configure it. You can not only use the Alt (on macOS “Option”) and Tab keys, but also freely customize the entire key assignment. You can also specify exactly what happens when you press the keys, what the overview looks like and how long it remains visible.
Copy clip
Have it read aloud: Copy Clip has a very useful feature at your disposal that you won’t want to do without after using it for the first time. How often do you copy text, numbers or other content and then realise that you need something you copied earlier? With Copy Clip, that will never happen again. The app adds a history to your clipboard. You can easily install this app from the App Store. After you have set it up, a small paperclip remains in the menu bar. Clicking on it opens the history and at the bottom you will find the option to configure the app individually using the settings. For example, you can specify how many entries the app should remember, how many of them should be displayed and even blacklist certain apps so that content from these applications is not saved. A tool as simple as Copy Clip is an indispensable must-have for your Mac!